India’s Miracle Healing
My little 17 year old dog India has cataracts that rendered her almost completely blind. The vet told us a couple of years ago that India could only see shadows and she would eventually be completely blind. This was devastating news as India’s greatest joy was chasing balls endlessly. All of that came to a halt as she became inactive due to her vision loss. Even going for walks has been difficult as she gets startled by sun and shade, and stumbles and falls.
I am beyond grateful for meeting Sue London!! Sue’s healing has miraculously restored some of India’s vision. Just yesterday after seeing Sue, India confidently walked through the crowd on a sunny day without stuttering her steps and could see where she was going. Today India actually chased a ball I tossed across the floor. She saw the ball for the first time in years! I’m beyond grateful for Sue’s healing abilities for my little girl. Thank you Sue. India and I will continue this healing journey with you. So much gratitude for you!! Thank you so much for giving of yourself Sue. – Tina & India