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Broken Hearts Can Heal After Losing a Special Pet by Cindy Karch

This is a story about a boy and his dog. No, wait! Scrap that! Almost all dog stories begin that way. This is actually a true story about a woman and her four legged soul mate German Shepherd named, Jax. My husband and I already had a female shepherd named Harly. She was a year…

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Spot’s Everlasting Love: A Journey of Healing and Wisdom

At the tender age of three, my mother and I embarked on a journey to find the perfect addition to our family—a dog. My mother had a clear vision: a dog that wouldn’t shed, bark, or bite. Even though I was just three years old, I can vividly recall that day when we walked into…

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Embracing Life’s Second Chance: A Journey of Hope, Transformation, and Divine Presence     

Imagine being told that you have just 30 minutes left to live. Who would you want to say goodbye to? What regrets would you have? These were the questions that confronted me on August 30, 1996, a day etched forever in my memory as the day I had my second near-death experience. Little did I…

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Toastmasters International! It can change your life….it certainly changed mine!

Toasting My Transformative Tale It’s been 22 years to the week since I first tiptoed into a little place called Toastmasters International. Back then, I had absolutely no clue that my life was about to take an exhilarating detour. Picture this: I was the queen of excuses for a good nine months, stubbornly resisting the…

Aging Together with Love: Supporting Your Pet and Embracing the Heartfelt Farewell by Sue London

Recall that magical day when you first met your pet, a moment filled with overwhelming love that sparked a lasting bond. Whether it marked the start of your pet parenthood journey or healed a heartache from the past, that connection ignited a flame of love that still shines bright. Though we yearn for our furry…