– By Sue London, The Animal Communicator

Over the years, I have watched and personally witnessed the magical power of pets and children. Having a pet in a child’s life can help in the early cognitive development, encouraging them to crawl and then walk, and later help boost a child’s IQ and reading skills. My daughter learned how to walk by having the determination to get our dog Rocky’s furry tail. Countless schools have programs with children reading to dogs. By the scent of a dog’s treat on the pages within the book, the child believes the dog is trying to read along with them, when really it is sniffing for the treat. The dog’s focus on the pages encourages the child to want to read longer.
Studies have shown that having a pet can lower blood pressure and heart rate and reduce anxiety. Depression is a common mental illness. One teenage girl was hospitalized for severe depression and suicidal tendencies. Nothing seemed to help her. Dogs were brought in for visits. Gradually the girl began to feel better. She went home and began volunteering at the local shelter, where she walked dogs. She even adopted a couple of kittens, and gradually recovered from the illness.

Pet therapy is the healing power of animals. They have the power to comfort us through unconditional love, the power to ease our pain, and the power to give us the strength and courage to keep going when life hands us a difficult situation to deal with. Animals used in pet therapy include dogs, cats, rabbits, horses, chickens, donkeys, llamas, and even pot- bellied pigs. My own dog, Rocky, helped me through a debilitating disease, Crohns Disease, and gave me the strength and courage to keep hanging on to life. Through his unconditional love, I was able to survive and heal!
Pets are magical. They sense our needs and comfort us. They truly give unconditional love. I would encourage you to make a difference for your child, by bringing an animal into their life! It can be a wonderful learning experience, and also be very healing!
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